[Step 7] 8 Step by Step Strategy for Financial Advisors to Generate Leads Online Using Digital Marketing

7. Classified Ads

How to Use Classified Ads to Generate Leads

Posting on classified ads can help for product awareness as well. Just reminder that you might need to enter your information, so it is better to have your work phone separated from your personal phone.


Here is example of Posting and ad in Locanto.



We choose Locanto as it is already on top of the page. Meaning, when potential customers are searching for a “financial advisor in singapore” there is a high chance that this advertisement will appear between 1-4 pages of the search result.


Below are on top of the list as well:


Advantage: Top of the Search page

Disadvantage: Marketers might contact you as well (So only provide information that you want to make public)


Remember, it is your job and responsibility to treat your generated leads right and with respect once you get their information. Do not spam them.

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